Help us!

We can use all the help we can putting this concert on!  If you would like to get involved in any way please call us at (559) 302-9836 or e-mail us at

Ways you can help:

1) Help us by sponsoring the event!  We are offering advertisement in our Music Program for local businesses and donors who help sponsor this event.  Prices for sponsorship advertisement are as low as $50!

$50 – business card sized ad
$100 – 1/4 page ad + 2 free tickets
$250 – 1/2 page ad + 4 free tickets
$500 – full page ad + 4 free tickets

Please either make a check payable to Grace Note Music Studio or click the “Donate” link on the side of this page to submit your financial support. Please e-mail all graphics to or stop by Grace Note at 814 West Oak Ave in Visalia.


2) Help us by telling your friends and people you know! Tickets are only $10 for general admission and $5 for students of all ages. This promises to be an exciting night so get your friends to come out and party with us for a good cause!


3) Help us by spreading the word on the Internet.  If you are on Facebook please make sure to “like” the Grace Note Music Studio page, find our event and invite as many of your friends as possible!


4) Help us by putting posters up around town! You can pick up copies of the event poster at Grace Note Music Studio.